The Bauspielplatz and Geschichtserlebnisraum
A Bauspielplatz (adventure playground) is basically an open playground where children have a place to meet, play, be creative, get in contact with animals and nature and even do “dangerous” things - with some pedagogical guidance.
These activities include building wooden huts, making a camp fire, crafts, painting and taking care of the animals. It is part of the local social work, similar to a youth centre. This kind of social work is called “offene Jugendarbeit” (open youth work) and means, that all activities are an offer to the youth and participation is voluntary. The daily activities at Bauspielplatz are done free of charge for the participants.
The Bauspielplatz Roter Hahn started in 1999. Since the opening the reconstruction of medieval buildings with the participation of children and adolescents has been an important part of the work. Thereby the appearance of the place and also the work at the place changed. By building various types of medieval houses and using these for historical education the Bauspielplatz additionally became something else. It became a place to learn about history and experience history, a “history experience site”, in german Geschichtserlebnisraum, without giving up any of the social work.
Offers for schools for action-oriented history lessons have been developed during the years. A focus is on the life, the work and the living conditions of the ordinary people in the early and high middle ages.
Life in the middle ages has become a recurring theme not just for this school-like work but for the Bauspielplatz / Geschichtserlebnisraum as a whole.
The aim for the future is to keep this combination of being a youth centre and an institution for historical education. The medieval themed ambiance is an incentive for the youth to try out crafts, play traditional games outside instead of computer games, make things themselves instead of just consuming.
Geschichtserlebnisraum (German)
Bauspielplatz (German)
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Reconstructed buildings
Since 1999 various reconstructed buildings from the early and high middle ages were built in the Geschichtserlebnisraum. All buildings are put up as accessible 1:1 scale models according to archaeological evidence. Shape and materials comply with their archaeologically and historically documented originals. All buildings have been constructed with the participation of children and adolescents. They are used in our educational offers, for festival and other events.
A colorful variety of animals is living at the Geschichtserlebnisraum. We are mainly keeping, breeding and employing domestic and farm animal breeds which are threatened by extinction. We provide habitats for bees, chicken, sheep, goats, dogs and horses. With their various features they offer versatile applications in animal-supported pedagogics.
Children and adolescents have the opportunities to encounter, deal with and enjoy these animals in a near-natural environment. The work of young people together with the animals at the Geschichtserlebnisraum with its historical and natural character has a special authenticity.
Co-operation with schools
Bauspielplatz / Geschichtserlebnisraum offers a wide range of programs for schools.
Classes – usually 3rd and 4th year - can book 3-hour-programs on topics as our farm animals, the history of hunting (stone age), medieval clothing, arms and armour etc., etc.
Some schools book programs for a whole year. The classes come back every month for a specific topic. “Medieval Days” become more and more popular. Here three or four classes of the same year can try out different activities at 6-7 stations during a forenoon.
In co-operation with the European Hansemuseum we offer a 2-hour-program “The adventures of a trade journey” as an extension of the museums offers for the youth.
Open all-day school
School as a place for living and learning
Since August 2010 the Bauspielplatz offers afternoon activities for the pupils of Schule Roter Hahn (a nearby primary school) in cooperation with the Vorwerker Diakonie.
Daycare centre
The daycare group „Die Wikinger“ (the vikings) is an allyear-outdoor group of the daycare centre Dreifaltigkeit. This group of 3-6 year-old children is at home in the Viking longhouse. Focuses are on experimental, historical, natural and environmental education.
The daycare centre is part of the Evangelisch-Lutherisches Kindertagesstättenwerk Lübeck (daycare centres of the diacony).
Youth welfare service for school refusing boys
The „Day- and learning group nature and animals“ (ger. Tages- und Lerngruppe Natur und Tier => TALENT) is a cooperative project between the youth welfare office of the city of Luebeck, the education authority of the state of Schleswig-Holstein and the Geschichtserlebnisraum / Bauspielplatz Roter Hahn.
“TALENT” is a day-structuring measure with schooling and is aimed at school-age boys, mainly of the grades 7 to 9, who can not be schooled in their usual school because of massive problems in their social behaviour and / or long-term truancy.
The pedagogical offer “TALENT” as a socio-educational support is closely intertwined with the offers of the Geschichtserlebnisraum, the open child and youth facility.
It sees itself as a self-contained group but there is the principle of inclusion, as much integrative care together with the other children as reasonable and possible. Individual support and integration into the social environment are also part of the offer.
The daily routine is organised meeting the demands and different situations with a team of educators, craftsmen, social pedagogues and teachers. The reintegration of the schoolboys shall be accomplished in a interdisciplinary way.
Further activities and offers
Special events every year are:
The Medieval Summer Festival (penultimate weekend of August)
The “Café Hahn”
A neighbourhoor metting open to everyone. Coffee, tea and cakes for “give what you like”-prices. (last Friday every month, 15-17h)
In addition to the social and educational work we offer
- family and company parties
- weddings
- carriage rides
- overnights stays for groups and classes
- experiential education
- traditional craft courses
- therapeutic riding
- school trips